Sunday, June 12, 2011

How To Play a Broken Record/Belmont Stakes 2011


Well they all hurt a little it's just a matter of degrees. Does it smart a little, like you cracked your funny bone on the coffee table looking for your keys pain, or is this a "carry the boiling cauldron with your wrists out into the snow pain, ala Kung Fu?" I'm going to put this up there with "unexpected gut punch that knocks the wind of you and have to take a knee pain". It's quite possible I have a black eye, I just haven't been able to crawl to the mirror and face myself yet.

We set a couple records today on our roller coaster parlay ride to absolute dismal failure, and not the kind you want to brag about.

Belmont Stakes 2011 will go down in history for Ray Chi as:
1.) The highest total amount wagered in a single day 2.) The largest single day losses.
And I gotta tell you that I wasn't really looking to break #2....

Oh well I'm having an overwhelming feeling of Deja Vu from last years Belmont Stakes Blow Out, but let's press on.

It's possible the scorching heat this week, followed by the sealed track, and then the torrential down pours that soaked Belmont today had something to do with it, or maybe it just wasn't my day, but the string of out of the clouds long shots killed every ticket I made today.
These are the kind of days that make you question just what the hell your doing. Even the Plan B's got left out on most of the races, no one is going to pick every winner every time, but to have all the reasonable contenders miss the Super repeatedly? WOW.

Should I have just put together a crazy hail mary Trifecta box leaving out the favorites and hoping the slop produced some sort of ridiculous improbable out come, like well what happened? (By the way as idiotic as that sounds the $2 ticket excluding ANY of the probable Superfecta finishers Shackleford, Animal Kingdom, Mucho Macho Man, and Master of Hounds would have cost only $672 and cashed for $8,268.00 a tidy return on your investment and a higher return than most money market managers could hope for) but you can't expect total chaos every time, or can you? 

I can't deal with the post-race analysis right now I've got a hangover to start, but suffice it to say that:
A.) I'm not too happy
B.) Ruler On Ice? ARE YOU KIDDING ME! 

Alright I better knock the dust off and pick myself up off the floor cause now there's a $1.3M Carryover on Wednesday to crush, since I'm a glutton for punishment.

Today's Hourly Rate: (brace yourselves but this is total including Parlay dollars)

That's all I got,

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Um well it's not starting so hot.

Missed entering my Pick 6 due to the SUPER reliable internet here....(million dollar what could have been stories to follow...)

THEN I entered my bets for the 7th under the 8th race, (and of course hit it).
It is time to TIGHTEN IT UP!

Ok enough whining. Here's our play at the 1 Million Pick 4. (The biggest ones I've ever put together.)
8th: 2,7 ($10.80!)
9th: 2,3
10th: 4,6,7
11th: 4,6,9,10,12

8th: 1,2,3
9th: 3,5,7,8
10th: 1,4,6
11th: 4,5,9

8th: 1,2,7
9th: 2,3,8
10th: 4,6
11th: 4,6,9,12

8th: 1,2,3,7
9th: 2,6,8
10th: 3,4,6
11th: 1,4,6,9,12

Please prepare for the winning.

Belmont Stakes 2011

Good Morning Race Fans,
6:30am isn't when Ray Chi normally wakes up, but today's special....

It's Belmont Stakes Day 2011 and we've got a full day of hard core wagering ahead of us, (as well as my body weight in caffeine and booze-not sure in which order.) We're STILL working on the parlay of parlays and are planning a MASSIVE onslaught on the 1M Pick 6 and 1M Pick 4, (of course peppered in with multiple Superfectas, Tri's and Exactas for good measure!) A couple HUGE prices came in yesterday so theres a double carryover of $144,003 just to make it interesting.

I'm pretty bummed I can't be kicking it with my homeys in our usual crappy booth at my North Office swilling Crown Royal like theres going to be a drought, and cashing tickets together, but I'll have to do this solo via the interweb....just know I'm with you in spirit and please remember I'M IN ON ALL PARLAYS!

Let's Do This Shit. (Masterful Insight and Tickets to Follow...)