I know, I know, I KNOW!
I've been gone forever. Temporarily gone, but not forgotten; like your beaten up, broke down first VW Squareback that you lovingly drove into the ground, or your first forbidden sip of tasty, tasty whiskey from Mr. O's liquor cabinet, you think of me fondly and often.
I know it's a big, big, responsibility, and I've let you down. This whole "adult life" thing is really getting in the way of my pithy insights and paranoid ramblings about how everything in the world is fixed.
Too many hours of real work, to many nights of sleep deprivation, too many drinks mixed and made, too many dog day afternoons....and that leaves little time for the important stuff...
(This years Derby Deluge will be in presented in an abbreviated format due to the fact that for the first time in what I believe is 25 long years, I will not be betting the Derby race by race in my usual all day session at "my office." I will instead be speed handicapping tomorrows card and placing all my bets for the day today, in what can only be hailed as a Pick-and-Pray-Holy-Crap-Shoot-Style Format, due to the constraints of adult life....
So Stay tuned for any juicy tidbits or wise guy wisdom to follow, but for now I do have a couple things to say about tomorrows card:
How on Earth did Baffert not go back to the well with Espinoza for this one? Unbelievable!
Baffert + Gary Stevens = getting all my money.

Good Luck. Get Well. Win Everything.
Thats all I've Got,
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